How to Promote Your Blog Posts in 2023: 14 Strategies That Works

Just published a blog post but don’t know how to promote it?

Don’t worry you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, I’m going to tell you how to promote your blog posts with 14 strategies that work like a charm.

So let’s dive in.

1. Write Answers On Quora

Quora is the most popular question and answer site on the internet today with over 300 monthly active users.

I’ve been writing on quora even before I’ve started blogging but at that time I didn’t understand the real power of quora.

But when I started blogging, I started to put my blog link at the end of each answer I write and it brings me a good chunk of traffic.

Promote blog on quora

Then I started focusing more on Quora and it does not just bring me a pretty good amount of traffic, but also build my authority.

That’s the beauty of quora.

Quora will help you in two ways:

But don’t think that you can win on quora just by writing 100 words of answer or spamming link.

No, it’s not possible at all.

If you want to win on quora and effectively promote your blog then you have to provide value on that platform.

Put all of your efforts into writing the best answer possible.

It may take some time to write value-added answers but trust me it’s totally worth it.

2. Contribute On Other Blogs As a Guest Blogger

Guest posting is one of the best ways to promote and grow your blog.

But it’s not an easy way.

Landing guest posting opportunities on top websites is really difficult.

Especially when no one knows about you.

But there’s an alternative yet powerful strategy that you can use.

Instead of reaching out to big blogs and websites, try to reach out to small and mid-level blogs and websites.

This will increase your chances of getting guest posting opportunities by 70%.

I know you won’t get much traffic and exposure by posting on small and mid-level websites but that’s the best way to start the momentum.

I started doing guest posting like this and it works like charm.

If you are a beginner then there’s 99% chance that you won’t get an opportunity on big websites.

So, don’t waste your time running for big websites.

Instead, try this technique.

3. Build Relationship With Other Bloggers And Influencers

You might know that building relationships with your audience is crucial for blogging success.

Similarly building relationship with other bloggers and influencers is also important.

There are two major benefits of building a relationship with other bloggers and influencers:

  1. You’ll learn a lot from their experience.
  2. They will help you promote your blog in front of their audience.

Leading bloggers and influencers already have a massive amount of audience base and by building a healthy relationship with them you get a chance to get in front of their audience.

But before anything you have to find out the bloggers that are:

  • Relevant to your niche.
  • Have a good amount of audience base.

These are the ideal bloggers that you should always look for.

Don’t waste your time going after the bloggers who are irrelevant to your niche because these bloggers won’t be going to help you to get in front of your ideal audience.

Once you find out the bloggers and influencers that have a decent amount of audience base and relevant to your niche then create a spreadsheet and put all of those bloggers into that spreadsheet.

In that spreadsheet put their blog URL, social media handles, email address, communities where they are active.


Once you do that follow all of those influencers and bloggers everywhere.

From social media to their email newsletters.

Then like their posts, comment on their social media posts and blog posts, send them friendly emails, DM them on social media, share their blog posts.

Doing this you’ll start building a good connection with them without being cheesy.

But don’t ask them to promote your blog post right after you start a conversation with them.

Focus on building the relationship and giving them value at first before asking for anything.

4. Re-Purpose Your Blog Post

You can create hundreds and thousands of pieces of content just from your one blog post.

Yes, that’s right.

It’s called re-purposing your content.

You can re-purpose your blog post in different formats like videos, graphics, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts.

For example, I’ve published a blog post on How to write an awesome blog post.

From that blog post alone I’ve created multiple social media posts.

And link back to my main blog post in the comments for more details.

That’s how I got content for my social media without putting any extra efforts and promoted my blog post at the same time.

Brain dean from backlinko is also an another great example for that.

Brain dean often re-purpose his blog posts…

Backlinko blog post

…into video formats and publish it on YouTube.

Brain dean YouTube video

And for this, he gets tons of extra traffics to his blog.

That’s how you can also repurpose your blog post to reach more larger audience.

5. Share With Your Email List

Want to get lots of traffic every time you publish a new blog post with just one click?

Build an email list.

Email lets you own your traffic.

You don’t have to be depend on other platforms and channels to promote your blog post.

Because you’ll already have a list of people who will be hungry for your content.

If you haven’t focused on building your email list till now then pause for a second and write it down on your task list.

Because it’s essential for your blog’s success.

Other than traffic, you can convert your email subscribers into your paying customer as well.

So, whether you promote affiliate products on your blog or sell your own products, having an email list will definitely grow your blog to the next level.

To build your email list you have to create a free lead magnet first then you can attract people to put their information and get into your email list.

For example, I created this free eBook and using it as my lead magnet to attract more people to get into my email list.

This single lead magnet helped me generate thousands of leads.

So, first of all, create a lead magnet and sign in for email marketing software.

Mailchimp is the best free email marketing software that you can start with.

Then you can start collecting your audience’s emails.

6. Publish Share-Worthy Content

There are two types of content:

  1. Generic content that everyone talks about and shares the old same strategy.
  2. Share-worthy content that just wow the readers with unique and working strategies.

Think about it:

Would you share a content that has the same old school strategies or a content that includes unique and working strategies?

I think you’ll share the unique content right?

Similarly, if you also want people to share your content then you have to create content that is unique and just amazing.

For example, You can publish case studies, data-driven blog posts, blog posts on controversial topics, or anything that is unique, and not many people know about it.

Share-Worthy Blog Post Ideas

In this huge ocean of contents, people will easily ignore you if you have a similar kind of content like hundreds of other bloggers.

If you want to stand out in this ocean then you have to be unique.

You have to create content that is extraordinary.

And if you create content that is unique then people will share your content like crazy.

This kind of blog post might not get you a lot of organic traffic from Google but this kind of content will definitely bring a huge amount of social traffic and will make them your fan.

7. Publish Content On Trending Topics

Writing content on trending topics can give your blog an extra nitro boost.

Most of the time we write content on the topics that have faded or already been for years.

We don’t really talk much about writing content on trending topics.

But it’s one of the best growth hacks for bloggers.

Trending topics catch fire in just a few seconds.

And people like to consume more content on the trending topics.

For example, Whenever Google does any major algorithm update, it becomes a trending topic for bloggers and SEO’s. 

So they like to consume every content that comes in their feed around this topic.

Likewise, if you create content around trending topics then it will help you to boost your traffic and people will automatically share it.

You can use Google trends for finding some hot trending topics for your next blog post.

Head over to Google Trends and enter a search term or topic related to your niche.

For example, I’ve searched for the topic “Food blogging”.

Google trends

And as you see in the picture below it has given a trending graph for the topic food blogging.

Google trends graph

You can also filter this data according to demographics and time frame.

To drill down more trending search terms like this you just have to scroll down the page and you’ll get a section called related queries at the end of the page.

Google trends related terms

Here you’ll get lots of trending queries that people are searching for your next blog post.

8. Promote On Linkedin

Linkedin has over 690+ million users from more than 200 countries.

Still, it’s an untapped platform that many people ignore.

But that’s good news for you.

Because you won’t have to compete with millions of people.

You can easily grow on LinkedIn within a few months if you publish content consistently.

I started getting results from this platform within 3 months of posting content.

Linkedin growth

That’s almost impossible on most of the social media platforms right now.

But it’s a little tricky to promote your blog on LinkedIn.

Because the LinkedIn algorithm doesn’t give much reach to the posts that includes links.

Yet there’s a way that you can use to promote your blog.

By repurposing your blog post on LinkedIn.

Take a blog post that you want to promote and repurpose that blog post into small pieces of contents.

Then take those content and post it on LinkedIn.

re-purpose content on linkedin

But don’t ever put the link of your blog post in the content.

Rather put that link in the first comment.

re-purpose content on linkedin 2

That’s how you will get the maximum reach and people will also visit your blog from that link if they found your content really useful.

9. Make it Easy For Your Audience to Share Your Content

People don’t have time to manually take link of your blog post and share on their social media.

You have made that task as easy as possible for them.

And it’s important to get more shares and improve your user experience.

To make sharing easy for my users I use the social sharing button on each of my blog posts.

This blog post that you are reading also includes social sharing buttons.

Social sharing buttons

I included those buttons to make it easy for you to share this content.

But how do you add these buttons on your blog?

If you are a WordPress user then you can use social sharing plugins like social snap to easily add social sharing buttons on your blog.

I’ve been using this plugin for the last one year.

And it’s the best social sharing plugin that I’ve ever come across.

10. Mention Influencers And Let Them Know About It

A lot of times we mention different bloggers and influencers in our blog post but many of them don’t know about it.

Because we don’t let them know about it.

And that’s one of the biggest mistakes we are doing.

If you are mentioning any blogger or influencers in your blog post then you have to let them know about it.

Doing this you won’t just build a good relationship with them but they will also share your blog post with their audience.

Whenever I mention anyone in my blog post I send them an email like this.

Blog post mention

And the great majority of the people share my content with their audience.

Some of them also link back to my blog without even asking for it.

11. Create And Participate in Roundup Posts

Roundup posts are great because of two main reasons:

  • It provides great value to the audience.
  • It helps to promote your blog.

Whether you are participating or publishing roundup posts on your blog, both of them can bring an insane amount of value to your blog.

If you just started out then it will be very difficult for you to participate in high authority blogs.

But if you create roundup posts on your blog then everyone would be happy to contribute.

Even experts too.

So, don’t run for participating in other’s roundup post (Especially if you just started your blog).

Instead, create your own.

I know you might be thinking about how you’ll promote your blog if you publish roundup posts on your blog.


But think about it:

If you participate in someone’s roundup post, what is the first thing you’ll do when they will publish that roundup post on their blog?

You’ll promote it with your audience, right?

Similarly, the participants who will participate in your roundup posts will also share your content with their audience.

It’s that simple.

12. Pin on Pinterest

Pinterest is an image-sharing social media platform largely used by women from all over the world.

If you blog about food, makeups, DIY, and fashion stuff then Pinterest can drive an insane amount of value for your blog.

However, if you don’t blog about any of these topics then still it can drive a good chunk of traffic to your blog.

For example, I use Pinterest a lot to promote my blog posts.

Although all of the blog posts are in digital marketing and blogging topics still It brings me a decent amount of traffic every month.

pinterest traffic

And most importantly it brings me quick traffic.

That’s the biggest advantage of Pinterest.

Pinterest can drive traffic to your blog very quickly.

But with one condition.

You have to post multiple pins consistently.

It took me only 10 days to start driving traffic to my blog from Pinterest.

Even if you post pins consistently for the next 10 days from today then you’ll also start seeing results.

I know a lot of bloggers who are only dependent on Pinterest traffic and they are doing really good.

13. Tweet About it

Twitter is an excellent way to promote your blog.

It has over 330m monthly active users and 145 million daily active users.

So if you use twitter correctly then it can turn into a gold mine for you.

What I love most about twitter is:

It’s organic reach.

Though it doesn’t have organic reach like LinkedIn still the organic reach on Twitter is much better than other social media platforms.

Twitter is all about hashtags and consistency.

If you tweet consistently multiple times a day and use the appropriate hashtags then you can get an insane amount of organic traffic that you can divert to your website.

I tweet about 4 – 6 times a day and sometimes 10 tweets a day.

That gives me opportunities to show more on the user’s feed.

I promote the same blog posts again and again with different kind of tweets and hashtags that helps me to reach more people without creating new contents.

For example, Let’s say I want to promote this blog post about “17 proven ways to increase your website traffic”.

So what I’ll do is, I’ll create multiple tweets about this topic and tweet about it with different hashtags every day.

Tweeter blog promotion

You can also share snippets or quotes from your blog post and put your blog post link at the end of the tweet.

14. Be Active on Facebook Groups and Communitites in Your Niche

I love to hang out on communities and Facebook groups in my niche.

Because I know this is the place where my ideal audience hangs out.

But it’s really hard to promote your blog posts on those communities and Facebook groups.

Because most of the Facebook group owners don’t allow members to post any kind of promotional stuff and web links.

I also run an exclusive group for marketers and bloggers and I clearly mentioned in the about section of the group that any kind of promotion and links are not allowed on this group.

makesuccessonline group

Most of the groups have this rule to stop spamming.

And for this reason, it’s nearly impossible to promote your blog post on Facebook groups directly.

Don’t get upset because still you can promote your blog.

Not directly but indirectly.

The indirect way is to be active on those Facebook groups and jump in the discussion other members are having.

For example, a lot of people ask questions on groups.

Always try to answer those questions if you know the answer and put the link of your blog post if you have written any blog post on that topic.

That’s how you can promote your blog post following the rules.

On top of that,  if you provide value on those Facebook groups and communities then people will automatically go through your profile and visit your blog.

I personally post a lot of valuable stuff on different Facebook groups in my niche and it brings me a good amount of direct traffic to my blog without even posting any kind of links.



The way you promote your blog will determine the level of success you’ll get through blogging.

First of all, work on creating amazing content that people will love.

Once you have that content on your blog then promote your blog everywhere.

In simple words, Great content + Right promotion = Success.

Focus on both of these things and no one can stop you to become a successful blogger.

What kind of techniques you use to promote your blog post? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this website are affiliate links. That means if you purchase any product from these links then I’ll get a small commission without any additional cost to you.

Tushar Dey digital marketer

Tushar Dey

Hey, my name is Tushar Dey. I’m doing blogging and digital marketing from last 4 years. I’m here to help you become a better blogger and digital marketer so that you can also live a digital lifestyle and earn money online. Join our exclusive Facebook Group.

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